

Sunday School for all Ages - 10:00 AM - Worship Service - 11:00 AM - Worship Service - 6:00 PM - Wednesday - Adult Prayer and Teaching, Children and Youth Classes - 6:00 PM



Gastonia, North Carolina 28056




We declare and establish this constitution to preserve and secure the principles of our faith and to govern the body in an orderly manner.  This constitution will serve the liberties of each individual church member and the freedom of action of this body in relation to other churches.


I.   Name


This body shall be known as Ridge Baptist Church, Incorporated, and is located at 3818 Old York Road, Gastonia, North Carolina 28056.


II.   Objectives


To be a dynamic spiritual organization empowered by the Holy Spirit to share Christ with as many people as possible in our church, community, and throughout the world.


To be a worshipping fellowship, experiencing an awareness of God, recognizing His person, and responding to obedience to His leadership.


To experience an increasingly meaningful fellowship with God and fellow believers.


To help people experience a growing knowledge of God and man.


To be a church which ministers unselfishly to persons in the community and the world in Jesus’ name.


To be a church whose purpose is to be Christlike in our daily living by emphasizing total commitment of life, personality, and possessions to the Lordship of Christ.


III.   Statement of Beliefs


Section 1.  Basic Beliefs


We affirm the Holy Bible as the inspired word of God and the basis for our beliefs.  This church subscribes to the doctrinal statement of The Baptist Faith and Message as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 2000.  We voluntarily bond ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ personally committed to sharing the good news of salvation to lost mankind.   The ordinances of the church are believer’s baptism and the Lord’s Supper.



Section 2.  Marriage


“We believe that “marriage” has only one meaning and that is marriage sanctioned by God which joins one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in Scripture.”


“We believe that God intends sexual intimacy to only occur between a man and a woman who are married to each other.  We believe that God has commanded that no intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of a marriage between a man and a woman.”


“We believe that any form of sexual immorality, such as adultery, fornication, homosexuality, bisexual conduct, bestiality, incest, pornography or any attempt to change one’s sex, or disagreement with one’s biological sex, is sinful and offensive to God.”


“We believe that in order to preserve the function and integrity of the church as the local Body of Christ, and to provide a biblical role model to the church members and the community, it is imperative that all persons employed by the church in any capacity, or who serves as volunteers, should abide by and agree to this Statement on Marriage.”


“We believe that God offers redemption and restoration to all who confess and forsake their sin seeking His mercy and forgiveness through Jesus Christ.”


We believe that every person must be afforded compassion, love, kindness, respect, and dignity.  Hateful and harassing behavior or attitudes directed toward any individual are to be repudiated and are not in accordance with scripture nor the doctrines of the church.”


For further clarification, see the Church Policy Statement on Marriage/Sexuality attached to these By-laws.


IV.   Church Covenant


Having been led as we believe by the Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and, on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now in the presence of God and this assembly most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another as one body in Christ.  


We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church in knowledge, holiness, and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, doctrines, and discipline; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations.


We also engage to maintain family and secret (private) devotions; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment; to avoid all tattling, backbiting, and excessive anger; to abstain from the sale of and use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage; to use our influence to combat the abuse of drugs and the spread of pornography; and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Savior.


We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember one another in prayer; to aid one another in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and Christian courtesy in speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation and mindful of the rules of our Savior to secure it without delay.


We moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with another church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s word.


V.   Polity and Relationships


Section I.  Autonomy


The government of this church is vested in the body of believers who compose it.  Persons duly received by the members shall constitute the membership.  All internal groups created and empowered by the church shall report to and be accountable only to the church, unless otherwise specified by church action.


Section 2.  Affiliations


This church is subject to the control of no other ecclesiastical body, but it recognizes and sustains the values of mutual counsel and cooperation, which are common among Baptist churches.  Insofar as is practical, this church will cooperate with and support the association, the state convention, and the Southern Baptist Convention.


VI.   Membership


 Section 1.   Requirements


Any person who has made a public profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and has been or offers himself or herself for believer’s immersion baptism may offer himself or herself as a candidate for membership in this church.  This person shall be received into membership by a majority vote of those members present and voting.


A self-proclaimed homosexual and/or lesbian cannot be a member of this body, hold office, or position in the church, and cannot use the church and/or facilities as a place of marriage.  This is based on God’s Word, Roman’s Chapters 1 and 2.   Ref.:  Amendment pg. 17


On the recommendation of the pastor, the deacons by unanimous consent may suspend the requirement for immersion baptism as a condition of membership in cases of physical inability or severe hardship.


Section 2.  Means of Candidacy


Any person may offer themselves as a candidate for membership in this church.  All such candidates shall be presented to the church at any regular church service for membership in any of the following ways:


  1. By profession of faith and for baptism by immersion
  2. By promise of a letter of recommendation from another Baptist Church
  3. By statement of prior conversion experience and believer’s baptism
  4. By Reaffirmation of Faith and Baptism


When one believes as Baptists believe, and is convinced of his own conversion experience, and has been a member of another denomination, but where he did not receive baptism by immersion, he comes on a re-affirmation of faith and as a candidate 

for baptism.


Section 3. Procedure


Any person may present themselves at a public service of the church for membership.  At the discretion of the pastor, the church may, as set forth in these bylaws, call itself into special session and vote on the membership of the candidate, or the pastor may acknowledge the desire and postpone the vote until some subsequent meeting.


Section 4.  New Member Orientation


New members of this church are expected to participate in the church’s new membership orientation.


Section 5. Rights of Members


  1. Every member of the church is entitled to vote at all elections and on all questions submitted to the church in conference, provided the member is present.
  2. Except as otherwise set forth herein, every member of the church is eligible for consideration by the membership as candidates for elective officers in the church.
  3. Members shall have access to the principle records of the church including minutes of its governing body and principle financial reports.  However, consistent with Baptist doctrine and practice, these rights shall not include the right to review or inspect individual donor records or personnel files.


Section 6.  Termination of Membership


Membership shall be terminated in the following ways:

  1. Death of a member
  2. Dismissal to another Baptist church
  3. Exclusion by action of this church (as set forth in Section 7 below)
  4. Erasure upon request
  5. Evidence of membership in another church


Section 7. Discipline


It shall be the practice of this church to emphasize to its members that every reasonable measure will be taken to assist any troubled member.  The pastor, other members of the church staff, and deacons are available for counsel and guidance.  The attitude of members toward one another shall be guided by a concern for redemption rather than punishment.


Should some serious condition exist, which would cause a member to become a liability to the general welfare of the church, the pastor and the deacons will take every reasonable measure to resolve the problem according to the scriptures:  Matthew 18:15-17, Romans 16:17, Titus 3:9-11. If it becomes necessary for the church to take action to exclude a member, a two-thirds vote of the members present is required; and the church may proceed to declare the person to be no longer in the membership of the church.  All such proceedings shall be pervaded by a spirit of Christian kindness and forbearance.


The church may restore to membership any person previously excluded, upon the request of the excluded person, and by vote of the church upon evidence of the excluded person’s repentance and reformation.  


VII.   Church Meetings


Section 1. Worship Services


  1. Regular Services

The church shall meet regularly each Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday evening for the worship of Almighty God.  Prayer, praise, preaching, instruction, and evangelism shall be among the ingredients of these services.  The pastor shall direct the services for all church members and for all who may choose to attend.


  1. Special Services

Revival services and any other church meetings essential to the advancement of the church’s objectives shall be placed on the church calendar.


Section 2. Business Meetings


  1. Annual Meeting    

The annual business meeting of the church shall be the September monthly   meeting and shall be held at a time designated by the church, or in the absence of such designation, by the deacons.  The annual meeting shall include the election of officers and other appropriate business.  The election of certain officers may, by the consent and tradition of the church, be held at another regular or special meeting.


            B.  Regular Meetings

Regular business meetings shall be held when there is a matter of business   that needs to be presented to the members for a vote.


  1. Special Business Meetings
  1. At any regular meeting of the church, the pastor may call for an immediate business conference to act upon certain matters of business those being the reception of members, appointment of messengers to meetings, the granting of letters and the annual church letter.


  1. Special business meetings may be called by the pastor, by the chairman of     the deacons, or a majority of the deacons, and will be called by the church clerk upon written request of twenty members of the church.  Only matters announced in the notice of the meeting may be acted on at such a special meeting.


  1. In the event of an emergency, the pastor or chairman of the deacons may, with consent of two-thirds of the deacons, call an emergency meeting without full notice to the members.  Such notice as is possible will be given to the membership, and action is limited to the items requiring the emergency meeting.  No meeting under this provision may be called in regard to personnel matters.


  1. Quorum

The quorum consists of those members who attend the business meeting.


  1. Parliamentary Rules

Except where specific provisions are made herein, Roberts Rules of Order shall be a general guide for the conduct of all business meetings of the church, except that the moderator may, absent objection or with the consent of the majority, deviate from such rules in the interests of full discussion and harmony.


  1. Moderator

The moderator shall preside over all business meetings of the church.  In his absence or at his request, the Chairman of the Deacons or other person elected by the members shall serve.  In the event the pastor is serving as Moderator, he shall not preside over any meeting dealing with his tenure.




  1. Notice

Except where otherwise required by these bylaws, any requirement of notice for a meeting or item of business to be presented shall be satisfied if announcement is made at a Sunday morning worship service seven days in advance of any meeting or action, or notice is provided in any regular or special church newsletter mailed ten days in advance.


  1. Voting

All items of business, unless otherwise provided for herein, shall be approved or disapproved by a majority vote of those members present and voting.  Voting by proxy or absentee ballot shall not be permitted.


  1. Matters Requiring Special Procedures

On any motion properly presented before a business meeting dealing with the purchase or sale of real property, the employment terms or salaries of church staff, the removal of officers, a modification in the budget exceeding $1000, or the affiliation relationships of the church, where the membership has not been given notice of the general subject and nature of the proposals to be voted upon at such a meeting, any member may, by request at such meeting, require that the motion be referred to the deacons, who will have up to 30 days to make a non-binding recommendation regarding the proposal.   Upon their recommendation or the expiration of 30 days, the congregation may vote upon the motion.


  1. Minutes

The minutes of all meetings shall be the property of the church and kept at the church office and available to all members for inspection.


VIII.   Church Officers


Section 1. General Provisions


The officers of the church shall be the pastor, the church staff, the deacons, a moderator, a clerk, and a treasurer.  All who serve as officers of the church shall be members of the church.  All officers serve at the pleasure of the congregation and, except as otherwise provided herein, may be removed at any time by majority vote of the church provided notice is given of the pendency of any motion to remove.


Section 2.  Pastor


  1. Call

A pastor shall be chosen and called by the church whenever a vacancy occurs.  A pastor selection committee shall be elected by the church to seek out a suitable pastor, and its recommendations will constitute a nomination.   The committee shall bring to the consideration of the church only one name at a time.  Election shall be by ballot, an affirmative vote of three-fourths of those present being necessary for a choice.  The election shall take place at a meeting called for that purpose, of which at least one week’s public notice has been given.  The person called shall be a Southern Baptist in sympathy with and in support of the Southern Baptist Convention.  The pastor, thus elected, shall serve until the relationship is terminated by his request or the church’s request.  Any proposed employment agreement between the candidate and the church must be disclosed prior to the vote, and must be expressly approved by the church.  The pastor selection committee shall not have authority to bind the church to any employment agreement.


  1. Pastor’s Duties

The pastor is responsible for leading the church to function as a New Testament church.  The pastor will lead the congregation, the organizations, and the church staff to perform their tasks.  The pastor is to lead the pastoral ministries within the church.   As such, he works with the deacons and church staff to: (1) lead the church in the achievement of its mission, (2) proclaim the gospel to believers and unbelievers, and (3) care for the church’s members and other persons in the community.


This Body of Believers hereby states that in addition to the above duties, the pastor will at no time as long as he is serving as the Pastor of this Body perform a marriage of a self-proclaimed homosexual and/or lesbian.  Such act would result in immediate termination and loss of all benefits and severance pay.


  1. Termination

The Pastor is called to serve until the relationship is dissolved at the request of either the Pastor or the church.


  1. Resignation – The Pastor may resign in writing but shall formally provide at least two week’s notice before the termination of his services.  Such written resignation, if without conditions, shall be final and binding when read at a congregation’s meeting or delivered to the church.  If any written resignation is subject to conditions it shall be effective and binding when accepted by a majority vote of the church.


  1. Removal - A Pastor may be removed by a majority vote of the members present and voting at a properly called meeting.  Such a vote may be held only at a called meeting in regard to which notice has been mailed to all church members of the pending action, and the Pastor is provided an opportunity to be heard.  Such a vote may be initiated by the recommendation of the deacons or by other motion adopted by the church calling for such a meeting.


  1. The officers and members shall make every effort to follow Biblical principles including the process set forth in Matthew 18 dealing with conflicts regarding Pastoral staff.  An effort should be extended to permit reconciliation of conflicts in a manner consistent with our Christian faith and doctrine.


  1. Removal shall be effective immediately upon the adoption of a motion terminating the Pastor, but salary and benefits shall continue for not less than ninety days unless the church determines that the Pastor’s dismissal involved gross misconduct on the minister’s part.  Any resolution to dismiss may also contain recommendations concerning other financial aspects of the termination including severance pay.


Section 3.  Deacons


  1. Number and Terms

There shall be a sufficient and representative number of deacons as shall be determined by the church who will serve three (3) year terms on a rotating basis.  Each year an election shall be held to fill vacancies created by expired terms.


  1. Nomination and Election

The deacons shall present to the church, at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting for the election of deacons, the number of men needed to fill vacancies.  Church members may then submit nominations to the chairman of deacons, with the understanding that the deacons have the right to approve and to disapprove any and all nominations.  Each year the chairman of deacons shall privately ascertain the willingness of each nominee for the office of deacon to accept the Standard Guide for his life, as set forth in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.  The chairman shall also determine those who are faithful to the program of this church with their lives and possessions.  The church shall elect the number of deacons needed by ballot in the business meeting designated for this purpose.  Those receiving the highest number of votes shall fill the available positions.


  1. Qualifications and Eligibility 

To be qualified to serve as a Deacon, one must meet the spiritual qualifications set forth in 1 Timothy 3:8-13 and have been a member of this church for not less than two (2) years.   In addition, after serving a term of a three-year assignment, a deacon shall be eligible for re-election only after the lapse of at least one year.


  1. Organization

The deacons shall elect their chairman and vice chairman each year.   No deacon shall serve as chairman the first year of his three-year assignment.




  1. Vacancies

In case of death or removal or incapacity to serve, the church may elect a deacon to fill the unexpired term.  The process shall be the same as for the election of deacons, with the deacons nominating persons to fill the vacancy.


  1. Duties

In accordance with the meaning of the work and the practice in the New Testament, deacons are to be servants of the church.  Their task is to serve with the Pastor and staff in performing the pastoral ministries of the church.  1) They are to consider and make recommendations to the church in all matters pertaining to the church’s work, progress, and achievement of its mission, 2) proclaiming the gospel to believers and unbelievers, 3) care for the church’s members and others in the community, 4) assist the pastor in the observance of the ordinances.  The pastor, or the chairman of deacons, may call the deacons into a special session whenever the need for such arises and those that are present will be considered a quoram.  Deacons shall have the authority to spend up to the amount of five hundred dollars ($500) in unbudgeted monies without the consent of the church body but shall report all such expenditures.


Function as Board of Directors

The currently serving deacons shall, meeting and acting together, constitute the Board of Directors of Ridge Baptist Church, Incorporated.  Such Board of Directors shall change by and in the same procedure as for the terms of deacons so that the Board of Directors shall perpetually be the same as the deacons.  In their capacity as Directors, they shall have the duties and responsibilities attendant to Directors, subject however to the limitations set forth in the Charter and Bylaws.  The Directors shall not have power, except as expressly authorized by the congregation, to purchase or sell or encumber any real or personal property, to install or remove officers or staff, to amend the bylaws or Charter, or to bind the corporation to any contract.  Consistent with our spiritual principles, Baptist polity and long term practice, the congregation as a whole retains the authority to govern the affairs, spiritual and temporal, of the church.


Corporate Officers

The Chairman of the Deacons shall, whenever required by law or practice, serve as the President of the Corporation, having however only such express powers as are granted by the congregation, and having no power absent such express authorization to bind the corporation in any matter or act for it.  In a similar manner and subject to the same limitations, the Vice-Chairman of the Deacons shall be authorized to act as the Vice-President.





Section 4.  Moderator


The moderator of this church shall be the pastor, if he chooses to hold this office.  If he chooses not to hold this office, a moderator will be nominated by the nominating committee and elected by the church.  If the pastor is unable to moderate due to absence, or if the matter of business involves the tenure of the pastor, the chairman of the deacons shall fill this office, and if the chairman is unavailable, a moderator will be designated by the church body at the time of the meeting.


Section 5.  Clerk


The church shall elect, annually, a clerk.  The clerk shall be responsible for keeping a suitable record of all official actions of the church, except as otherwise herein provided.  The clerk shall be responsible for keeping a register of names of members, with dates of admission, dismission, death, or erasure, together with a record of baptisms.  The clerk shall issue letters of dismission voted by the church, preserve on file all communications and written official reports.   The clerk shall be responsible for preparing the annual letter of the church to the association.  The personnel/finance committee may delegate some of the clerical duties to a church secretary to assist the elected clerk.   The church, the pastor, or the chairman of deacons may call for the church records at any time.  The clerk shall serve as the Secretary of the Corporation.


Section 6.  Treasurer


The treasurer, if not a paid staff person, shall be elected, annually, by the church.  The treasurer shall be responsible for all receipts and disbursements of the church.   Other duties include:  render to the church a monthly financial report of such receipts and disbursements, keep all financial records, render an annual financial report for church records and the church letter, and serve as a member of the personnel/finance committee.


IX.   Committees


                  Section 1.  Church Committees


  1. The church may establish such permanent or special committees or teams as it deems appropriate, setting forth in these Bylaws or in the Policy Manual, the composition and duties of all such committees.


  1. Unless otherwise set forth in these Bylaws or the Policy Manual, a church committee or team members shall be recommended by the church nominating committee and elected by the church.


  1. The Chairperson of all committees or teams shall be designated by the nominating committee or team and presented to the church for approval.  A newly elected member to the committee or team shall not serve as chairperson unless the person has previously served on said committee or team.  This applies to all committees unless specified otherwise within these bylaws.


  1. The Pastor will serve as ex-officio member of each church committee or team.


  1. Committees or Teams shall not have the power to act for the church but shall present actions and policies to the church in conference and implement approved programs and policies.


Section 2.  Standing Committees or Teams


  1. Nominating Committee or Team

The nominating committee shall consist of six (6) elected members, and in addition to these six, the directors of all church organizations.   Only the six elected members shall serve on a rotation basis.  This committee co-ordinates the staffing of all church leadership positions filled by volunteer workers, unless otherwise specified herein.


  1. Personnel/Finance Committee

The personnel/finance committee shall be composed of nine (9) members and will also include the treasurer and the assistant treasurer. This committee shall prepare annually a budget which shall be presented to the church.   This committee will help to lead the church in all financial matters of the church and will have the responsibility of promoting the budget and stewardship within the church.  This committee is also to assist the church in matters related to employed personnel.  This includes, but is not limited to, determining staff needs, employment, salaries, benefits, and other compensation, policies, job descriptions and personnel services.


  1. Building and Grounds Committee

The building and grounds committee shall be composed of six (6) members.   The duties of this committee shall include giving attention to and studying the condition and state of repair and the appearance of all church property and being responsible for any minor repairs and improvements as may be necessary.  With regard to the existing equipment and facilities, the committee shall call reliable firms or persons to make repairs and to maintain the existing equipment necessary for a functional building.  If estimates for the cost of equipment or repairs goes beyond available budgeted funds, the personnel/finance committee shall be informed by the chairperson of the building and grounds committee and shall be requested to make recommendations to the church as to how the cost is to be met. When the necessity for an emergency repair occurs, either a Church Staff person or a building and grounds committee member shall consider himself/herself to be authorized to call a firm or person to make the immediate repairs.



  1. Lord’s Supper Committee

This committee shall consist of the wives of the active deacons.   The duties include seeing that all necessary equipment and items are available and in place prior to the service in which the Lord’s Supper will be observed.  It is also the duties of this committee to see that all items are properly cleaned and properly stored after each observance of this ordinance.


X.  Church Program Organizations


Section 1. Generally


The church shall maintain programs of Bible teaching: church member training, church leader training, new member orientation; mission education, action, and support; and music education, training and performance.   All organizations related to the church programs shall be under church control, all officers being elected by the church and reporting regularly to the church, and all program activities subject to church co-ordination and approval.  The church shall provide the human resources, physical resources, and the financial resources for the appropriate advancement of these programs.


Section 2. Sunday School


The Sunday School shall be the basic organization for the Bible teaching program. Its task shall be to teach the Biblical revelation, reach persons for Christ and church membership, perform the functions of the church within its constituency, provide and interpret information regarding the work of the church and denomination.  The Sunday School shall be organized by departments and/or classes, as appropriate for all ages, and shall be conducted under the direction of the Sunday School Director elected annually by the church.


Section 3. Discipleship Training


The Discipleship Training organization shall serve as the training unit of the church.  Its task shall be to train church members to perform the functions of the church; train church leaders; orient new church members; teach Christian theology, Christian ethics, Christian history, and church polity and organizations; and provide and interpret information regarding the work of the church and denomination.  Leaders for this ministry may be nominated and elected by the church.


Section 4. Woman’s Missionary Union


The Woman’s Missionary Union shall be the mission education, mission action, and mission support organization of the church for women, young women, girls, and preschool children.   Its task shall be to teach missions; engage in mission action; support world missions through praying and giving; and provide and interpret information regarding the work of the church and denomination.  The Woman’s Missionary Union shall elect such officers and organizations as the program requires.


Section 5. Brotherhood


The Brotherhood shall be the church’s organization for mission education, mission action, and mission support for men, young men, and boys.  Its task shall be to teach missions, engage in mission action, support world missions through praying and giving, and provide and interpret information regarding the work of the church and denomination.  The Brotherhood shall elect such officers and organizations as the program requires.


Section 6. Church Program


The church shall maintain media center services and recreation services for the purpose of enriching and extending the ministries and programs of the church.


  1. Media Center Service

The media center service will be the resource center for the church.  Its personnel will seek to provide and promote the use of printed and audiovisual resources.  They also will provide consultation to church leaders and members in the use of printed and audiovisual resources.


  1. Recreation Service

The church recreation service will seek to meet the recreation needs of members and groups.  Its personnel will provide recreation activities, consultation leadership assistance, and resources.


XI.   Church Council


Section 1. Members


Regular members of the church council shall be the pastor, other church staff members, director of church program organizations, media center director, chairman of deacons, church officers and chairpersons of church committees or teams.


Section 2. Duties


The church council shall serve the church by leading in planning, co-ordination, conducting, and evaluating the ministries and programs of the church and its organizations.  The primary functions of the church council shall be to recommend to the church suggested objectives and church goals; to review and co-ordinate ministry and program plans recommended by church officers, organizations, and committees; to recommend to the church the use of leadership, calendar time, and other resources according to program priorities; and to evaluate achievements in terms of church objectives and goals.  All matters agreed upon by the council which call for action not already approved shall be referred to the church for approval or disapproval.


XII. Staff


Section 1. Ministerial Staff Other Than Senior Pastor


The ministerial staff shall be called and employed as the church determines the need for such offices.  A job description including duties, means of supervision and accountability shall be written and adopted by the church when the need for a staff member is determined.  Those staff members of whom the church requires evidence of a personal call of God to minister shall be recommended to the church by the personnel/finance committee and the pastor and called by church action.  A three-fourths majority of those present and voting shall be required to extend the call.  At the time of resignation, at least two weeks notice shall be given to the church.   The church may vote to vacate such positions upon recommendation of the personnel/finance committee and the pastor, such termination being immediate.  Salary and benefits shall continue for not less than thirty (30) days.


Section 2. Non-ministerial Staff


Non-ministerial staff members shall be employed as the church determines the need for their services.  A job description including duties, means of supervision and accountability shall be written and adopted by the church when the need for a staff member is determined.  The personnel/finance committee and the pastor shall have the authority to employ and to terminate the services of non-ministerial staff.


XIII. Church Ordinances


Section 1. Baptism


This church shall receive for baptism any person who has received Jesus Christ as Savior by personal faith, who professes Him publicly at any worship service, and who indicates a commitment to follow Christ as Lord.


  1. Baptism shall be by immersion in water


  1. The pastor, or any ordained individual the church may authorize, shall administer baptism.  The baptismal committee shall assist in the preparation for, and the observance of, baptism.


  1. Baptism shall be administered as an act of worship during any worship service of the church.


  1. A person who professes Christ and is not baptized within a reasonable length of time, shall be counseled by the pastor, a staff member or deacons.  If negative interest is shown on the part of the candidate, he shall be deleted from those awaiting baptism.


Section 2. The Lord’s Supper


Unless otherwise scheduled by the pastor, the church shall observe the Lord’s Supper each quarter, on the fifth Sunday of each month which contains five Sundays.



XIV. Budget


Section 1. Budget


The personnel/finance committee, in consultation with the church council, shall prepare and submit to the church for approval an inclusive budget, indicating by items the amount needed and sought for all local and other expenses.  It is understood that membership in this church involves financial obligation to support the church and its causes with regular, proportionate gifts.


Section 2. Accounting Procedures


All funds received, for any and all purposes, shall pass through the hands of the church treasurer or finance secretary and be properly recorded on the books of the church.  Those who have responsibility that involves actual handling of funds shall be bonded, the church paying for the bond.  A system of accounting that will adequately provide for the handling of all funds shall be the responsibility of the personnel/finance committee.


Section 3. Expenditures and Receipts of Funds


  1. No funds shall be disbursed without the express authorization of the church as provided for in the budget or separate authorization.


  1. No designated funds shall be received except where the church has approved the receipt of funds for the designated cause.  Separate accounting shall be maintained for all designated gifts and funds.


Section 4. Audit


The finance committee shall arrange an annual audit of a type and nature they deem appropriate of the church’s financial records.


Section 5. Fiscal year


The church fiscal year shall run from January 1 – December 31.


XV. Policies and Procedures


The officers shall assure the creation and maintenance of a Policies and Procedures Manual which shall contain all currently controlling policies and procedures governing any aspect of the church’s affairs including committee task descriptions, policies regarding the handling of funds, use of facilities, and employment policies and practices.


XVI. Amendments


Changes in the by-laws may be made at a called meeting for that purpose given the recommended changes have been presented in writing to the church at least two (2) weeks before the called meeting.


VI. Membership


Section 2. Conditions


The membership of this church shall be composed of such persons as confessed Jesus Christ to be their Savior and Lord, and who have been baptized by immersion, and who have been received by vote of the church.  A self-proclaimed homosexual and/or lesbian, or transvestite cannot be a member of this body, hold office or position in the church and cannot use the church and/or its facilities.  This is based on God’s Word, Romans chapters 1 and 2.


VIII. Church Officers


Section 2. Pastor’s Duties


(B) Duties


The pastor is responsible for leading the church to function as a New Testament church.  The pastor will lead the congregation, the organizations, and the church staff to perform their tasks.  The pastor is to lead the pastoral ministries within the church.   As such, he works with the deacons and church staff to: (1) lead the church in the achievement of its mission, (2) proclaim the gospel to believers and unbelievers, and (3) care for the church’s members and other persons in the community.  This body of Believers hereby states that in addition to the above duties, the pastor will at no time, as long as he is serving as the pastor of this Body, perform a marriage of a self-proclaimed homosexual and/or lesbian or transvestite.  Such an act would result in immediate termination and loss of all benefits and severance pay.






III. Statement of Basic Beliefs


Section 1. Basic Beliefs


Section 2. Marriage


“We believe that “marriage” has only one meaning and that is marriage sanctioned by God which joins one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in Scripture.


“We believe that God intends sexual intimacy to only occur between a man and a woman who are married to each other.  We believe that God has commanded that no intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of a marriage between a man and a woman.


“We believe that any form of sexual immorality, such as adultery, fornication, homosexuality, bisexual conduct, bestiality, incest, pornography or any attempt to change one’s biological sex, is sinful and offensive to God.


“We believe that in order to preserve the function and integrity of the church as the local Body of Christ, and to provide a Biblical role model to the church members and the community, it is imperative that all persons employed by the church in any capacity, or who serve as volunteers, should abide by and agree to this Statement on Marriage.


“We believe that God offers redemption and restoration to all who confess and forsake their sin, seeking His mercy and forgiveness through Jesus Christ.


“We believe that every person must be afforded compassion, love, kindness, respect, and dignity.   Hateful and harassing behavior or attitudes directed toward any individual are to be repudiated and are not in accord with scripture nor the doctrines of the church.”


For further clarification, see the Church Policy Statement on Marriage/Sexuality attached to these bylaws.


I. Church Policy Statements on Marriage/Sexuality


Church Policy Statement




This is a policy statement on the beliefs of Ridge Baptist Church, Inc. regarding religious beliefs concerning marriage and human sexuality and our policies based upon the necessary application of our faith to life and practice.


What We Believe About Marriage and Human Sexuality


We believe, based on the teaching of the Scriptures in both the Old and New Testaments, that marriage is an institution ordained by God from the foundation of the world, and intended as a lifelong union of one man and one woman.  This truth is supported by the account of creation in Genesis chapters 1 and 2.  Genesis 1:26-28 provides that God created man in His own image, both male and female.   The passage implies that a unity of one man and one woman is in some way necessary to fully represent the image of God in mankind.


Genesis chapter 2 provides a more detailed account in which God created the first man, Adam, and decided that it was not good for him to be alone.  (Genesis 2:18)  God indicated that He would make “a suitable helper for him.”  God brought all of the animals to Adam, but none of them was a suitable helper for him, so God then created Eve, the first woman, from part of Adam himself.  God did not create a second man to be Adam’s helpmate, or an assortment of multiple women, but rather one woman.  Together they were man and wife and had “no shame” or sin in their union with each other. (Genesis 2:15-25)


Jesus Christ reaffirmed the teaching of the Old Testament when He said, as recorded in Matthew 19:4-6, “Haven’t you read, He replied, that at the beginning the creator made them male and female and said for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh.  So they are no longer two, but one.  Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”


The Apostle Paul states in Ephesians 5:22-32 that marriage is not merely a human institution but is a special divine metaphor that is supposed to illustrate the union of Christ and the church.  For this reason also, only a union between a man and a woman can be a proper marriage because a union between two men, two women, or one man and multiple women or any collection of people could not properly illustrate the relationship between Christ and His church.


1 Corinthians 6:9-11 condemns a variety of lifestyles including those associated with adultery, prostitution, and homosexuality.  The Bible condemns all forms of sexual immorality and encourages Christians to flee from it because of its destructive effects, and because the body of the Christian is the temple of the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 3:16 and 6:12-20)


Romans 1:18-32 makes it clear that it is not only sinful to engage in homosexual unions but also approve of such sins in others or encourage their practice.  As a result, in order to maintain our consistent Christian witness, we cannot sanction, approve, or promote in any way adultery, fornication (a sexual relationship between an unmarried man and woman; i.e. “living together”), pornography, pedophilia, polygamy, bestiality, or homosexual unions.  This is made clear also by countless other verses throughout the Old Testament as well as by these and other passages in the New Testament.


Our church follows what the Bible reveals as the “sure foundation” of the teachings of Jesus Christ and his apostles (Matthew 7:24-29 and 1 Corinthians 14:37).  The church is called to teach and practice these teachings and is not at liberty to depart from them for a different authority if it is to authentically bear the name “Christian”.  Though we strive to live peaceably with all people and to obey legitimate governed authority, in instances involving the matters as foundational as marriage we must ultimately obey God rather than man if the two come into conflict. (Acts 4:18-22).



Sexual activities outside of marriage, including but not limited to fornication, adultery, incest, homosexuality, pedophilia, polygamy, and bestiality are inconsistent with the teachings of the Bible and the church.  Lewd conduct, transgender behavior, and the creation or distribution or the viewing of pornography are incompatible with God’s intention.



Our Faith Based Policy on Marriage and Human Sexuality


As a result of these above described religious beliefs and our belief in the need for a practice of fidelity to these beliefs, it is our policy that the facilities of this church may not be used for any ceremony that in any way approves of, solemnizes, supports or allows a same-sex union or a polygamist or any union which, in the judgment of the church, is inconsistent with our beliefs.  It is also the policy of the church that no pastor or member of the church staff shall officiate at any ceremony designed to solemnize, promote, create or approve of such a union.  Nor may any member of the church enter into such a union without being subject to church discipline.

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